Integrating Staff2 to Goolge Apps for Work - Google Forms-Import from excel for Timesheet
We are a contracting outfit with 1500+ employees and recently migrated to Google Apps for work and are making use of Google Forms that Supervisors fill up and the information/timesheet data entered in a smartphone app is sent automatically to the HQ in excel sheet. I request Staff2 team to give it a serious thought on integrating and/or provide possibility to:
1) populate Time sheet automatically based on information entered through google forms/sheets
2) populate calendar/holiday details automatically through google calendar
3) calendar/timesheet/payroll to be interconnected so the payroll is processed automatically based on timesheet data
4) Staff salary to be split as Basic salary & Allowance (s)
* Allowances are part of one's salary however, the basic salary is what is considered by law to calculate the End of services benefit, holiday pay etc and therefore if a staff's basic pay is 6000 and living allowance is 2000 and accomodation is 2000 then the total salary should be 10,000. at the moment, the system does not take the benefits into consideration in calculating ones salary.
Hope Staff2 consider the above request, as this would make a big impact in time required to collect timesheet data and populate them on staff square and to process payroll automatically. thanks.