We are a contracting outfit employing anywhere from a 1000-1500 employees and wehave our own employee no/id. WOuld be great if Staffsquared is built aorund employee id's (custom or s2 generated) and the ability to filter/group/search refering to employee id than the name. in the middle east we have over a 500 employees all beginning with mohammed and it is a hassle to find the right one...
immigration/passport/travel documents and expiry dates and automatic reminders upon its expiry. at present we set expiry date as and when we upload a say passport copy but it owuld be nice if the passport no. its issue and expiry dates are importable via excel data so its far less work at onboarding stage...
assets & employee expense management - assets (telephone&its billing expenses, car, accomodation, travel expenses and track assets being moved aorund etc can be a great feature that can come in handy for the hr...
organization chart and the ability to print but based on grouping/department or custom filtering system within the organization chart would be fantastic..