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How do I Delete a Company File?

Navigate to your Company Files page. Here, you will find all the files uploaded to the staff member's profile.

To delete an individual file, hover over the file you wish to remove and click on the cog icon to the far right of the screen. Clicking Delete will prompt a new dialog box to appear. You can then confirm the file deletion.

To delete multiple files, check the boxes against the files you wish to delete and click the bin icon to the top right of the page.

You can then confirm the file deletion as above.

NB: This will not permanently delete the file/s. You can always recover deleted documents later if you need to. To permanently delete a file, navigate to the 'Deleted' option in the Folders list to the left of the screen and select the file/s you wish to hard delete. Click 'Delete Selected' and then enter 'DELETE' as prompted. Your files will then be gone for good.

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