How do I Submit an Expense Claim?
To submit a new expense claim, navigate to your profile and open the expenses tab.
On the expense claim tab, enter a claim title, select a client from the dropdown menu* and enter the date you are submitting the claim on.
Upload any receipts that support your claim under the receipts tab and add any mileage that you wish to claim back under the mileage tab. You can add as many of each as you need - these will be added together on the expense claim tab.
Go back to the expense claim tab to submit or submit and add another expense claim.
Your claim will be sent to your expense approver (usually your manager, unless stated otherwise in the company settings. Read how to assign expense approvers here) to process. You will receive a notification via your dashboard and email once this has been completed.
*Find out how to manage your clients here. NB: If you do not have clients, you will need to create client under your company name in order to submit expense claims.