Can I Book a Holiday on Behalf of my Staff?
Navigate to your staff directory and locate the staff member for whom you would like to book a holiday.
NB: Alternatively, you can type their name in the search bar at the top of your screen.
Open the holiday tab and click record a holiday. This will take you to your company calendar and open a new dialog box which will allow you to enter the details of the holiday booking.
You can create a holiday using the following period types:
Full day(s): This will record the absence for the entire day(s) you have selected.
Half day: This will allow you to select an AM or PM slot for the day you have selected.
Set times: This will allow you to select specific times for the day you have selected.
NB: You will notice that an overview of the days/hours requested and the remaining holiday allowance for the staff member will display at the top of the dialog box.
When you are happy with the details entered, click create holiday. The holiday booking will now appear, approved, in your company calendar.
Navigate directly to your company calendar, and click +add new at the top of the calendar. This will prompt a new dialog box to appear which will allow you to enter the details of the holiday booking.
You will automatically be assigned to this booking as you are the user inputting it. Click the x next to you in the who value and click select more staff + to choose the staff member you wish to create the holiday for.
Once you have selected the desired staff member and entered the details of their absence, click create holiday.
Full day bookings are displayed in the calendar with a block green background.
Half day and set time bookings are displayed in the calendar with no background and show the start time of the absence.
The staff member will then receive an email and a dashboard notification to inform them that a holiday has been recorded on their behalf.
NB: Holiday that is recorded on behalf of a staff member will be automatically approved.
NB: Holiday that is recorded on behalf of a staff member will be automatically approved.
Read about how to record a holiday as a staff member here.