Can I set Non-Admin/Managers to Approve Holiday Requests?
It is possible to define additional members of staff as holiday approvers, even if they are not managers or admins. This will incude all custom absence requests, too.
To do so, navigate to your company settings and go to the holidays tab.
Once there, be sure to tick the box to allow managers and holiday approvers to see all holidays in the calendar if you have blocked staff from being able to see other users' holidays in the calendar.
Turn on allow additional staff and groups to approve holidays requests and click add. This will prompt a new screen to appear which will allow you to add holiday request approvers.
From the holiday requests for drop-down field, select the name of the user who you would like to assign a holiday approver(s) to. Then, click into the text field to the left of the window (this will say 'start typing to find staff and groups). A list of staff and staff groups will appear. Scroll through to select the user(s) who you would like to assign as holiday request approver(s). Alternatively, use the search bar to type the name or group you are looking for.
Once you have chosen all users required, click save. You will be taken back to the main screen where a notification confirming approvers updated successfully will appear at the top of the screen. You will notice that the new approver group will appear.
The individuals and user/s in the group/s will then receive all holiday requests for that person moving forward.
NB: You do not need to include admins or the employee's line manager/s when setting up holiday approvers. This settings exists in addition to the default holiday approval settings.
NB: Sickness approvers must be set up separately. Find out how to do this here.